How to lose weigh if you weight more than 200 lbs?

Published by Velislav Stoykov on


Weight loss is a process that requires time and patience. After all, you have not gained more than 200 pounds in a few days. The weight gain has been slow and steady, so the weight loss must also be slow and steady. In the following lines, I will explain step by step how to lose weight if you weigh more than 200 pounds.

Accept the facts!

In the end, the weight gain did not happen overnight. It took you a long time to get to your current state.

It is normal for weight loss to take longer. Just as gaining weight takes time, losing weight does not happen overnight.

It took you weeks and months of following bad habits to get here. Now it is important to turn bad habits into good and easily executable ones to lose weight.

Start changing your habits.

Habits are at the heart of everything. If they do not change, then at some point in the future, you will regain your old weight. It happens to a lot of people and it’s not pleasant at all.

Once returned, the lost weight becomes harder to lose again. This is because the body is used to exercise and diet and it will be more challenging to lose weight again.

Start with small changes in the beginning, but be disciplined. Such changes can be, drinking more water, eating more slowly, moving more, eating breakfast regularly, and more.

These small steps, added to your daily routine, one by one over time, are of great help in losing and retaining weight.

If you start a deprivation diet, in the beginning, there is a high probability that you will not lose weight. This is due to the fact that you did not change your habits in the beginning. After some time on such a diet, you start to get sick of everything, and soon after you will most likely break the diet.

Start reducing calories gradually.

After a month or more, after you have already changed some of your habits and they have become permanent, the reduction of calories follows. It must also happen gradually. Calorie deficiency is the most important thing in weight loss.

Most likely, after you have included the above-mentioned habits in your daily life, you will have already reduced your calorie intake. Also, only after changing these habits will you lose some weight.

This is due to the fact that if you increase your movement, you also increase your energy expenditure. If you started drinking more water, you probably started eating less.

Learn how water helps to lose weight HERE.

The gradual reduction of calories occurs as follows:

  1. First, you calculate your caloric intake to lose weight using the calculator, which is located on the home page of my site (in the right bar). It calculates your caloric intake based on age, gender, weight, height, and activity, putting you in a 20% calorie deficit.
  2. After a while, you will lose some weight. If you keep losing weight, you don’t need to reduce your calories. The second reduction in calories should be only when you are at a plateau for at least two weeks.
  3. Reduce calories if you are currently over 1500 calories a day. Less than 1,500 is unhealthy for men and less than 1,200 for women is unhealthy.
  4. In case you have already reached this limit, increase your physical activity. This can be done by moving more or starting to sign a gym membership.

If you find yourself to be in a weight loss plateau for more than two weeks, read HERE how you can overcome it.

Start being more active or get a gym membership.

It’s no coincidence that I include sports last. When you start to lose weight, the most important thing is to change your eating habits. If you start with training at the very beginning, it will lead to a lot of stress.

It is always better to start in stages, rather than with everything from day one. Only after you start getting used to your new eating habits and you start to lose weight, then include training in your diet.

Exercise will not magically remove excess fat if you do not eat properly. Therefore, it is more important that the diet be 100% first, then the workouts are included.

If you still feel the need to move, take a walk or ride a bike. The best way to achieve change is to ensure you do everything in stages and qualitatively.

When you feel confident that you are used to the new diet and your body is ready for the next stage, you can embark on training with full force. I advise you to seek the help of a professional coach!

Do not give up!

If losing weight was easy, everyone would be thin and athletic.

What makes it difficult is to change habits and lifestyles and maintain them in the long run.

Just accept that the process will take time and that it is for your own health. Accepting these facts will help you in this difficult endeavor.

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