8 ways on how to decrease my appetite to lose weight.

Published by Velislav Stoykov on


For many people, appetite is a major factor in being overweight. There are food ads, fast food, and other temptations all around us. It is normal to have an appetite when we are constantly looking at or smelling food around us. Still, there are ways on how to decrease my appetite to lose weight.

Basically, these ways on how to decrease my appetite are related to food and discipline. If we are disciplined enough to follow them, we will feel full and we will not feel like eating. However, in addition to these tips, it is imperative that we are aware of whether we are hungry or just want to eat.

If you have problems controlling your appetite and are wondering how to reduce it, then read on and start following the tips on how to reduce your appetite.

 1. The high volume of meals.

8 ways on how to decrease my appetite to lose weight.

The volume of each meal is critical to how to decrease my appetite. When the stomach is full, we do not feel like eating anymore. If we follow this logic and fill our stomachs with low-calorie foods that are harder to digest, then we will lose weight.

Such foods are vegetables, for example. Green vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, cucumber, cabbage are low in calories and high in volume. In combination with protein, a saturating effect is obtained. Strawberries are also low in calories and it is recommended to often add them to our meals.

You can read more about highly satiating foods HERE.

 2. Protein with every meal.

Protein digestion is harder and slower than the other macronutrients. Therefore, it is recommended to be present with every meal.

One study compared an egg breakfast with a carbohydrate breakfast (bagels). It turns out that people who ate eggs lost 60% more weight than those who ate bagels. This is due to the saturating effect of eggs.

Consume 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight to take advantage of its saturating effects.

 3. Water before and after meals.

8 ways on how to decrease my appetite to lose weight.

Drinking water before, during, and after meals leads to better satiety and filling of the stomach. This makes us eat less food per meal, which leads to reduced calories and weight loss.

It is a good idea to start your meals with soup. It will satiate you and you will consume fewer calories. However, the soup must be low in calories to have an effect. Soups with rice, potatoes or toppings with fat and others are not suitable.

Try to drink a glass of water 20 minutes before eating and 20 ml. per kilogram of body weight for the whole day.

 4. Combine the three macronutrients in each meal.

When we eat, every meal should be complete. For optimal health, we need to consume a certain amount of macro and micronutrients every day. For this, every meal should have carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, as well as other nutrients.

Apart from the fact that variety is useful, a variety-rich diet has a greater saturating effect than a separate meals diet. When we combine all macronutrients in one meal, we slow down their digestion in the stomach.

Excluding a macronutrient from your diet can lead to increased appetite and other disadvantages. Eat a varied diet, do not exclude many foods, but learn to eat in moderation.

 5. Lower the consumption or exclude foods that increase appetite.

The logic of how to reduce appetite is to exclude foods that increase it. There is much such food, like marinated fish, ginger, garlic, alcohol, some spices, and more. A good tip would be to eliminate them from your menu altogether, or at least reduce them if you consume them regularly.

 6. Regular meals every day.

The frequency of meals reduces the release of insulin, which helps to lose weight. Studies show that people who eat regularly are slimmer than those who do not have eating discipline.

If you eat regularly and do not miss meals during the day, you will feel less hungry. Eat every 3-4 hours or when you feel that you are starting to get hungry. The goal is to avoid acute starvation because it often leads to overeating and increased insulin.

 7. Eat more foods rich in fiber.

8 ways on how to decrease my appetite to lose weight.

Fiber is not digested like other foods. They break down more slowly in the stomach and keep us full longer. Usually, when we lose weight it is good to eat more foods rich in fiber.

In addition to being slowly broken down, fiber also has a saturating effect. Foods that are rich in fiber, such as spinach, strawberries, cabbage, lettuce, and others, are more satiating due to their high volume. This means that they are low in calories and at the same time bulky due to their high water content. This makes them mandatory foods for weight loss.

Fiber is found in foods such as beans, lentils, vegetables, chia, avocados, and more.

 8. Eat healthy fats.

8 ways on how to decrease my appetite to lose weight.

The energy value of fat is 9 calories per gram of fat. This makes them heavy and filling food. Healthy fats are recommended because they do not cause health problems.

It has been proven that in the Mediterranean diet, healthy fats do not cause weight gain. In this diet, most of the food consumed is high in healthy fats.

The other benefit of these fats is that when combined with fiber and protein in one meal, they help for even better satiety. This leads to less hunger and appetite.

However, calorie intake should also be considered. We should not overdo it with fats due to their high-calorie content. Let’s not forget that in order to lose weight we must be calorie deficient.

Hunger is a way for the body to show that it needs energy. It should not be neglected for a long time.

In many cases, however, hunger is artificially induced by a mental attitude. If you follow the above tips, you will certainly rule out the possibility of physical starvation. In this case, if you still have a high appetite, it is most likely caused by mental stress.

Try to find a way to distract yourself from thinking about food. Try to be busy with something interesting for you or try different methods of self-control.

Additional tips on how to decrease my appetite.

  • If you are hungry before your next meal, increase the volume of that meal the next time. Add more vegetables or fruit, something low in calories with a large volume to saturate you more and last until the next meal. Another option is to eat a high-protein and low-calorie dessert.
  • Reduce stress in your daily life. It affects the hormones in your body, which also affects your appetite.
  • Add spicy to your diet. You can read more about how hot helps to lose weight HERE.
  • Drink more coffee and green tea. Green tea saturates more than water and you can replace it with some of the water you drink a day. Coffee helps the secretion of a hormone in the intestines, which enhances the feeling of satiety. Without caffeine, coffee has been shown to suppress appetite more than normal. You can read more about this statement HERE.
  • Eat slowly and chew more. This helps the body to be satiated faster with less food.

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