4 ways to lose weight if we have thyroid dysfunction

Published by Velislav Stoykov on


Hello friends! Today I want to shed some light on the issue of the thyroid gland or more precisely how to lose weight if we have problems with it.

More and more people are suffering from hypo- or hyperfunction (increased or decreased function) of the thyroid gland. The reasons for this can be many, such as stress, nutritional deficiencies, genetic predisposition, and more. The problem is that in many cases after or during treatment we can gain a lot of extra pounds. In some exceptions, there is weight loss and inability to gain weight, but in most cases, people are overweight.

In today’s article, I will explain what are the symptoms and damage that can cause us various conditions of the thyroid gland. I will explain what measures we can take to prevent weight gain and how to lose it after treatment.

What are a hypo- and hyperactive thyroid gland and how is it treated?

Under the influence of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which is secreted by the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland produces thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Thyroid hormones are important for the human body. They affect the metabolism, digestive, circulatory systems, and more. The thyroid gland contains 80% of the amount of iodine in our body. This chemical element is essential for us, especially in childhood. Its deficiency can lead to delayed mental and sexual growth.

Increased or decreased thyroid function leads to adverse effects. They have different symptoms and are treated differently.

Hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function)

Symptoms can include drowsiness, low blood pressure, bloating, weight gain, and more. According to recent studies, every third woman in the world suffers from this disease. This condition requires a lot of time and effort to treat and can cause a lot of damage.

Hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function)

The symptoms here are different – insomnia, restlessness, irritability, bulging eyeballs, weight loss with increased appetite, and more. This disease develops gradually, and sometimes a sharp outbreak of symptoms is possible. In 90% of cases, enlargement of the goiter is observed.

There are other diseases of the thyroid gland, such as cancer, cysts, and others. Once this gland gets damaged, we need to make some drastic changes in our lifestyle. If we do not act in time, surgical removal of the gland may be necessary, after which medications (hormones) must be taken constantly.

To avoid thyroid problems, we need to eat healthily and exercise. If we still fail to protect ourselves and gain extra pounds, it is not too late to take measures that will not only help us lose weight, but can also improve thyroid function and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

What measures should we take to lose weight if we suffer from hypothyroidism?

Find out more about the problem and follow your doctor’s recommendations.

You need to go to the doctor to be diagnosed. Don’t procrastinate! If you experience any of the symptoms listed above, do not delay! Find out about the disease. Consultations with doctors, information on the Internet, and other sources. There are many studies done on people with thyroid problems, which therapies are most effective, whether there is a need for surgery, and more. Choose the right therapy for you and consult a doctor.

Different medications have different side effects, not all of which can lead to weight gain. I will list some of the medications that have the side effect of weight gain.

1. Tapazole / metisol is used to treat hyperthyroidism;

2. Beta-blockers;

3. Estrogen and progesterone, together or separately, are used for hormone therapy;

4. Some antidepressants.

If you have been prescribed any of these medicines, you can expect to gain weight. Talk to your doctor about your concerns. Never stop taking a medicine without consulting a doctor.

There are different types of treatments for hypo or hyperthyroidism. Discuss all options with your doctor. Research shows that people who had surgery at first treatment were less likely to be overweight than those who took another type of treatment first.

 1. Play sports!

For many people who suffer from this problem, diet alone or reducing calorie intake may not be enough to start losing weight. Hypofunction of the thyroid gland may slow down the metabolism. This means that in order to lose weight you will have to eat very few calories, which will make it even more difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to burn extra calories and speed up the metabolism through exercise.

Exercise helps the metabolism work more efficiently by burning calories and fat, lowering blood sugar, and supporting the production of the hormone leptin.

If you suffer from hypothyroidism, you may need to exercise for more than an hour a day. High-intensity exercise programs are recommended for some patients, while others see results in walking, Pilates, yoga, and more. For optimal results, it is good to train for muscle mass and strength, due to the fact that this type of training brings maximum metabolic benefits.

 2. Try to exclude gluten from your menu.

There is a link between gluten sensitivity and the development of autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s. There are reports of patients experiencing significant weight loss after switching to a gluten-free diet.

Try to eliminate gluten from your menu for two to three months. If you experience less bloating, weight loss, more energy, and an overall improvement in your health, this may be a sign that this diet is good for you.

 3. Buy a probiotic.

Probiotics are food supplements with live microbes that have a beneficial effect on the human body. In addition to the gastrointestinal tract, they contribute to better functioning of the immune system, liver, urinary system, and others.

One way to trigger an autoimmune disease, such as Hashimoto’s is the ability of toxins to pass through inflamed intestines and enter the bloodstream. There are many causes of intestinal inflammation, mainly related to the food we eat.

Almost every autoimmune disease almost always begins with a malfunction of the immune system and 80% of our immune tissue is in the digestive tract. A study of people with hyperthyroidism showed that they had a deficiency of probiotic bacteria compared to healthy people.

Experts recommend that people with thyroid problems consume more fermented foods due to their high content of probiotics. The problem with them, however, is that almost all the bacteria in them cannot survive in the stomach environment and this makes them practically ineffective. Probiotic supplements are recommended because of this.

There are reports of people who, although on a low-fat and low-carbohydrate diet, cannot lose weight. After taking a probiotic, they reported a reduction in bloating, a reduction in subcutaneous water retention, and weight loss.

 4. Monitor your calorie intake and movement daily.

Many experts agree that monitoring daily calorie intake and calories burned is essential for weight loss. Technology today is helping to do that. There are various applications and fitness bracelets and watches that keep track of how many calories we expend each day and what macro and micronutrients we consume. Take advantage of them to adhere to a healthy lifestyle that will help you fight overweight.

If you think that you have done everything possible to lose weight, but you did not get the desired results, I have a piece of advice for you. Do not give up! Start over, review and analyze everything you have done so far. Try a different approach, a different diet or workout, a different treatment for your problem. Find out where you may have gone wrong and try again.

The weight loss process is slow. Thyroid problems can further slow this process and complicate it. Arm yourself with patience and do not give up. Do not chase fast results, but strive for a long-term change in your lifestyle. Consult a nutritionist and fitness trainer for an adequate opinion on the matter!

Learn how to calculate your daily calorie intake HERE.

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