10 Highly Satiating Foods for Weight Loss

Published by Velislav Stoykov on


Highly satiating foods are those foods that keep us full for a long time. These foods contain more protein and have specific characteristics that reduce hunger. In 1995, scientists invented a satiety index to measure how satiating a variety of foods are. In their experiment, different people were asked to rate how full they were of food 2 hours after consuming it. Here you can see the satiety index of different foods.

When we want to lose weight it is good to consume foods with a high satiety index. This will make it easier for us to control the calories we consume. When we are full for a longer time, we consume fewer calories.

Many processed foods and those that are high in sugar have a low satiety index. Such foods, however, are very high in calories. A low level of satiety means that we will be hungry more often, and high calories that we will be in excess of calories. The two things in combination lead to obesity.

Highly satiating foods have the following characteristics:

  • High protein content – it is the most saturating macronutrient. It also affects saturating hormones, such as ghrelin.
  • They are rich in fiber – fiber increases the feeling of satiety. They can also slow down the emptying of the stomach and increase the breakdown time.
  • They have a high volume – some foods contain more water or air in them, which also helps us to be full.
  • Low energy – this means they are low in calories and high in water and fiber. These foods are the most filling and at the same time low in calories.

In this article, I will introduce you to 10 satiating foods. If you include them in your diet, they will help you to be less hungry, therefore it will be easier to maintain a calorie deficit, you will not be hungry constantly and you will lose weight.

 1. Eggs

They are rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins. Boiled eggs are quite filling and contain ghrelin. It helps to suppress the hunger hormone. In 1 whole boiled egg, there are only 71 calories. If you eat boiled eggs for breakfast, you will not be so hungry at lunch. Add vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, cucumbers to the eggs and their satiating effect will be even greater.

 2. Potatoes

They scored the highest result in the study of the satiety index in food – 323! Yellow potatoes are just as useful as sweet potatoes. They also have a high satiety index. What matters, however, is the method of preparation. Boiled and baked potatoes are preferable to fry and chips! Potatoes are dense foods rich in vitamin C. They contain plenty of water and carbohydrates and a moderate amount of protein.

There is evidence to suggest that potatoes contain the protein PI2. The interesting thing about this protein is that it has the ability to suppress appetite.

 3. Quinoa

It is a rich source of protein and fiber. Contains a full range of essential amino acids. Quinoa is also rich in magnesium, iron, phosphorus, etc., which makes it a very valuable food. It also contains gluten. It is usually eaten boiled. The content of fiber, protein, and water makes it highly filling food.

 4. Chia

Chia, like quinoa, is rich in protein and fiber, minerals, and vitamins, as well as omega 3 fatty acids. It is in the form of seeds, which after soaking in liquid become a gel. It is absorbed very slowly and has a highly satiating effect, but it is also quite high in calories. Its consumption should not be overdone.

 5. Fish

All types of fish are rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids, which helps with satiety. In the table for the food index, fish is in second place in terms of satiety. This is also due to its high content of omega 3.

One study claimed that omega 3 fatty acids may increase the feeling of satiety in overweight people.

Eat fish in combination with potatoes and lettuce (lettuce, cabbage, cucumbers, spinach, etc.) for maximum satiety.

 6. StrawBerries

All fruits are low in calories and high in fiber, which helps in slower digestion. Strawberries in particular are very low in sugar. There are less than 50 calories in 100 grams of strawberries. You can add them to salads or consume it as a dessert after a meal. This will satiate you even more.

 7. Spinach

It contains a large amount of water, which makes it highly satiating. When we cook fresh spinach, its volume melts due to the fact that the water evaporates quickly. Consumed fresh on the salad, it saturates quickly and at the same time has few calories. Combined with olive oil, spinach saturates even more, and olive oil helps to better absorb the valuable substances from spinach.

 8. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are rich in nutrients, fiber, and protein. Like spinach, they also contain a large amount of water, which makes them highly satiating.

 9. Cabbage

It is high in water and can be added to any food. It can be eaten cooked or raw. Fermented cabbage (kimchi or sauerkraut) is also a good option for winter and is rich in probiotics. They can help regulate hunger hormones.

 10. Nuts

Studies show that nuts are very filling. They are a rich source of nutrients from which protein and fat. They can be high in calories but are very good for health.

A meta-analysis done in 2013 found that although high in calories, nuts did not lead to weight gain or an increase in subcutaneous fat.

It also matters how we chew the nuts. In one study, they compared chewing nuts longer (40 times) and nuts shorter (20 times). It turns out that prolonged chewing shows a decrease in hunger and an increase in satiety.

Nuts are a good choice for a snack if you feel hungry between meals. Don’t worry that most of the calories from nuts will lead to weight gain. Consume them in moderation every day.

In addition to these foods, consume more fluids in your daily life. They also help suppress appetite, satiety, and more. Read more about how water helps with weight loss HERE.

Learn more about weight loss HERE.

Highly saturated foods help with weight loss and are a great choice for a healthy diet. Include as many of them as possible in your daily menu. However, try to consume other foods as well as maintain a calorie deficit. All these things together will lead to a healthy weight loss!

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1 Comment

peter atkins · September 29, 2021 at 20:22

proceesing foods what foof to avoid

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